Friday, July 31, 2009

Back at It.

So, now that E-man is here and we're on a pretty good schedule, I decided to try scrapping a little bit here and there. I am SO FAR BEHIND on my blessings pages, but I will catch day. In the meantime, here are three pages I did today. I feel like the Prince one is missing something, but it will work for now.

HD's Little Feet

E-man's Little Feet

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pregnancy Journal: Weeks 26, 28, 38

52 Blessings: Week 35

My blessing this week are my sisters. I got to see four of the five this weekend at my baby shower. I love all these women! They are best friends in the world and I love the time we get together. I missed having Carrie there, but was grateful the rest made the trip just for me. So blessed!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pregnancy Journal

I have journaled my whole pregnancy (on my blog) and decided it was time to scrap the journaling and the pictures. So glad I've kept track. Already it's fun to go back through and read each step along the way. And it helps pass the time until he gets's starting to feel like time is slowing down - just when I need it to speed up! Hopefully this will help.

Here are the two pages I did today...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

52 Blessings: Week 34

My brother-in-law and his sweet new wife. Watching two people fall in love, choose marriage and then be sealed in the temple is an amazing blessing. These two are perfect for each two puzzle pieces that finally came together. It was a blessing to witness their sealing and the joy it brought to them and to their families. We're so lucky to have Brittany as part of our family!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

52 Blessings: Week 33

Yes, I am about two weeks behind. With in-laws and wedding plans and baby plans and...well everything, I just haven't scrapped much. But when I saw these pictures and how they turned out, I couldn't pass up a blessings page. We are so blessed to have been able to spend the last few weeks with Matt's parents and family. HD's Nonni love her so much and she loves their adoring attention. What a blessing to have such great grandparents!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

52 Blessings: Weeks 31 & 32

Week 31: My Growing Belly - Even though it's hard to watch my belly grown week by week, I'm grateful as well because it means my boy is growing, too. I'm grateful he's getting stronger week by week. So instead of whining about my weight and my size, I've decided to recognize it for the blessing it is!

Week 32: Peaceful Sundays - With our lives seeming to be increasingly busy, Sundays are a special blessing. It gives us a chance to stop, reflect, meditate and spend time together - and even (occasionally) sneak in an afternoon nap.